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A three-part webinar series presented by CFA Society Malaysia.


2020 and 2021 thus far, have been a tumultuous period on the back of the COVID-19 pandemic that affected livelihoods, served as a catalyst for digitalization in all aspects of life, and accelerated the progression of FinTech globally.

CFA Society Malaysia presents the inaugural FinTech Forum 2021 in a three-part series of webinars, which spotlight leading finance and investment industry speakers and practitioners. It was held over a course of three weeks from 2 to 16 June 2021. Our panel of speakers shared insights and perspectives on the future of finance and investment industry of our country and the region.

Part 1: Digital Banking – The Next Level of Banking Experience


Watch Video (Length: 1 hr 50 min., 1.5 PL) >

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Part 2: Active and Passive Investment – Competing or Complementing


Watch Video (Length: 1 hr 36 min., 1.5 PL) >

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Part 3: Cryptocurrency - At A Point of Inflection?


Watch Video (Length: 1 hr 36 min., 1.5 PL) >

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CFA Society Malaysia

CFA Society Malaysia is an association of local investment professionals. Consisting of portfolio managers, investment advisors, educators and other financial professionals, promotes:

- ethical and professional standards within the investment industry,
- encourage professional development through the CFA Program and continuing education,
- facilitate the exchange of information and opinions among people within the local investment community and beyond, and;
- work to further the public's understanding of the CFA designation and investment industry.

As one of CFA Institute member societies, CFA Society Malaysia connects members to a global network of investment professionals.

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