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Webinar Presentation

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Global wildlife populations have fallen 69% since 1970. The rapid decline in biological diversity is increasingly recognized as a material risk to investors, considering US$44 trillion of economic value is dependent on a functioning natural ecosystem, according to the World Economic Forum. That means over half of the world’s gross economic output could be at stake should biodiversity loss continue at an alarming pace.

To reverse environmental degradation and direct financial flows away from nature-negative outcomes, the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) unveiled a comprehensive reporting framework ahead of the COP28 meeting this year. The framework could help companies and organizations get started on nature-related assessment and disclosures.  

In this webinar, MSCI's experts and leaders from different sectors discussed the financial implications from biodiversity loss and provided insight into the range of tools that investors could leverage to address nature related risks and opportunities in their portfolios. 

Co-hosted by:

Duration: 1 hour 01 min

Recorded on 9 November 2023

About the Author(s)

Kristina Anguelova
Kristina Anguelova

Kristina Anguelova is the Head of Asia Sustainable Finance at World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) in Singapore and oversees technical teams across banking, investment, financial regulation and ESG technical training. She is also part of WWF’s Global Finance Practice Leadership Team and supports the network agenda for Asia.

Previously, Kristina was responsible for WWF’s Asia Sustainable Finance Initiative (ASFI) - a multi-stakeholder alliance that aims to harness the power of the finance sector, transitioning capital markets to direct capital towards low-carbon, climate-resilient and nature positive economies. Beyond general ESG themes, ASFI focuses on high-impact sectors in Asia such as food and agriculture, energy, transport, and infrastructure. Before joining WWF-Singapore, Kristina established and developed a multilateral association, supporting several countries with little or no representation in Singapore, building bridges and knowledge-sharing between governments, central banks and development institutions, as well as real economy participants.

She is an active angel and impact investor, supporting early-stage startups through mentorship, advisory and investment. Her passion cuts across multiple UN SDGs but she is mainly active in SGD 1, 4, 7, 10 & 13.

Arne Philipp Klug
Arne Philipp Klug

Arne Philipp Klug, as Biodiversity Research Director for MSCI ESG Research, oversees thematic research on biodiversity and natural capital. He engages with investors and key stakeholders to help clients set and prioritize their investment objectives to biodiversity. In addition, Arne serves on the ESG Editorial Committee. Until 2021, Arne has led MSCI’S ESG research on the transportation sector. He authored several reports on ESG issues with a special focus on the automobiles and airlines industries. Prior to joining MSCI, Arne worked for more than six years as an ESG analyst and account manager at Sustainalytics in Frankfurt and Toronto. Arne holds a master’s degree in communications science, political economics and Hispanic studies from the University of Münster in Germany.

Eric Nietsch
Eric Nietsch CFA

Based in Singapore, Eric is responsible for setting the ESG research, integration, and active ownership agenda in Asia. In his role, Eric leads a team to research and manage investment risks and opportunities related to the sustainability strategies of companies in the region. Eric also works with Asian based portfolio managers on evaluating ESG exposures at a portfolio level. His team also develops methodologies for dedicated sustainable funds and represents Manulife IM’s ESG capabilities among the regional investment community. He chairs the Physical Risk and Resilience Working Group of the Asia Investor Group on Climate Change (AIGCC) and is a member of the Investment Leaders Working Group of the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL).

Prior to joining Manulife Investment Management, Eric led the Sustainable Finance initiatives for Asia-Pacific at S&P Global where he helped to develop and launch the ESG Evaluation Framework. He worked closely with analysts across the region to evaluate ESG exposures in corporate and infrastructure entities. Before joining the Sustainable Finance team, he covered various sectors as a credit ratings analyst at S&P in both the United States and Asia. Preceding S&P, Eric worked on an equity portfolio at Barclay’s PLC in New York, and on the special situations desk of the boutique investment bank StormHarbour Partners LP.

Eric holds a Bachelor of Arts in psychology from Colgate University. He is a CFA charterholder and a member of the CFA Society of Singapore.

David Von Eiff
David von Eiff PhD

David von Eiff joined CFA Institute in 2021 as a sustainability specialist. David brings has a combined 13 years of experience in environmental compliance, research, and sustainability. He obtained his Doctor of Philosophy at the City University of Hong Kong and his Master of Science in Environmental Economics and Public Policy at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York. His main research areas address the economic, sustainability and climate change issues associated with water supply management decisions. He previously spent 8 years regulatory specialist in Environmental, Health & Safety Management Systems, having clients across a wide range of industries to improve their environmental programs and identified methods by which they could make their operations more sustainable, including process redesign, water and energy conservation, and developing environmental management systems.

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