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Webinar presented by CFA Institute and the Institute of Financial Technologists of Asia


Impact-weighted accounting relies on data-mining and machine-learning technologies to scrape ESG information not only from company reports, but also from alternative data sources.

In this webinar, Haishan Wu, vice general manager of AI department at Webank, shares insights on how Webank leverages AI to generate proprietary real-time data for ESG investing from a variety of sources, including satellite images, media reporting, and social media sentiment.

The keynote speech is followed by a panel discussion.


  • Michelle Li, head of research, AMTD Group
  • Haishan Wu, PhD, vice general manager of AI department, Webank
  • Katherine Han, CFA, head of ESG research, Harvest Fund Management
  • Helene Li, founder and CEO of GoImpact, general manager of Hong Kong FinTech Association
  • Alan Lok, CFA, director, ethics education and professional standards, Asia-Pacific, CFA Institute

Watch the Webinar

Duration: 1 hr 17 min.

Recorded: 15 April 2021.


Michelle Li
Michelle Li

Ms. Li is a promoter and influencer in FinTech industry. She speaks frequently on major industry events such as Asian Financial Forum, Hong Kong FinTech Week, Singapore FinTech Festival etc.. She leads AMTD Group’s FinTech initiatives with a vision to offer one-stop, cross-market and intelligent digital finance solutions for Asian consumers and SMEs - to make digital financial services proactive and seamless. AMTD owns Airstar Bank, a JV with Xiaomi, one of the eight virtual banks in Hong Kong. AMTD also announced a few landmark acquisitions in ASEAN including PolicyPal (InsurTech), CapBridge (Digital Asset Exchange) and FOMO Pay (Payments). Together with MAS and SFA, AMTD has launched MAS-SFA-AMTD Solidarity Grant to support FinTechs in the challenging time; AMTD has also established an AMTD ASEAN Solidarity Fund together with AFIN to support and anchor FinTechs in ASEAN. Ms. Li also leads the research department of AMTD Group. She specializes in analyzing the global FinTech industry and financial sector. She publishes frequent reports on FinTech topics such as AMTD Global FinTech Weekly, China Online Consumer Lending, and Blockchain 101. Before joining AMTD Group in September 2016, Ms. Li worked at UBS AG as a securities research analyst.

Haishan Wu
Haishan Wu PhD.

Dr. Haishan Wu is leading the AI Department at WeBank. His team is building AI and alternative data driven investment platform in WeBank. His team compiled China Economic Recovery Index (CERI) to track the economic impact of COVID-19 in China.
He was the Director and AI scientist at BlackRock. He was the founder and CEO of SenSight.ai before joining BlackRock. And before that he was the lead data scientist of Big Data Lab in Baidu AI Department.
His researches were not only published in prestigious journals and conferences, but also widely featured by major international media outlets. His research on data driven ghost city mapping in China was selected as Best of 2015 by MIT Technology Review.
He earned his PhD degree from computer science department of Fudan University in 2011. He was the postdoc researcher in Princeton University from 2013 to 2014.

He was recognized as 35 Innovators Under 35 in China by MIT Technology Review in 2017. He was also recognized as one of Top 50 data scientists in China in 2018.

Katherine Han
Katherine Han CFA, FRM

Katherine Han is the head of ESG research at Harvest and spearheads the group’s ESG integration program under the CIO. She and her team is responsible for establishing Harvest’s proprietary ESG framework and database for China market, conducting ESG factor and strategy analysis, issuing ESG investment recommendations and reports, as well as managing Harvest’s stewardship program and engagement initiatives with investee companies. She works closely with Harvest’s investment teams and clients to build responsible investment capacity and incorporate material ESG factors in investment across different asset classes. Katherine recently led the award-wining project to publicly launch Harvest ESG scores in cooperation with the local financial data platform WIND.
Prior to Harvest, Katherine was a senior analyst with MSCI ESG Research for eight years, where she led the global technology sector research and was a member of APAC ESG methodology committee. She led the China ESG team for initiating and expanding the ESG coverage of China market. Her prior roles include governance analyst with ISS and multi-asset class analyst at MSCI Barra.
Katherine Han is a CFA charter holder and certified FRM holder. She holds a Master’s degree in Finance from Renmin University of China and a Bachelor’s degree in Financial Engineering from Beihang University.

Helene Li
Helene Li

A firm believer in applying market-based solutions to fast track social and environmental impact; and a passionate advocate for Sustainable Finance, Helene is a management consultant by training and a seasoned finance industry professional with long tenures in strategic planning and marketing roles at global financial institutions such as J.P. Morgan, Lombard Odier, and BNP Paribas. Having worked in the ultra-high-net-worth space for most of her career, she is committed to leveraging the financial power and heart of the 1% to accelerate the impact in helping the 99%. It is in this spirit that she co-founded GoImpact as an action-driven ecosystem to connect stakeholders in accelerating the Impact momentum. She has been spearheading and curating industry recognized and highly rated Next Generation Family Business programs, and a regular contributor to Impact and Entrepreneurship research throughout her banking and consulting career.

Alan Lok
Alan Lok CFA

Dr Alan Lok, CFA, FRM, is a researcher at the CFA Institute. He looks after the development of learning content covering the fields of artificial intelligence, ethical business modeling & renewable energy. Prior to joining the CFA Institute, Dr Lok led a team undertaking due diligence work within the renewable energy sector. Before that, Dr Lok accumulated more than 10 years of equity research experience; both as a buy-side & sell-side analyst. Throughout his career, Dr Lok has served as the adjunct lecturer for a handful of universities spanning across Greater China, Hong Kong & Singapore. During his doctorate research, Dr Lok developed a theoretical framework that enables ethical business modeling to become a reality in practice.

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