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「特许金融街」是一档由北京金融分析师协会(CFA Society Beijing)发起,面向社会各界听众的金融访谈类播客,我们会邀请各金融细分领域的朋友们一起探讨资本市场热点,圈内秘闻,金融职场等与金融相关的热点话题。


EPISODE 80: CFA exam - Interview with CFA Institute Education team

北京协会理事长寄语」 |  From the President of CFA Society Beijing CFA

任建畅, CFA | Jianchang REN, CFA

CFA北京协会理事长 | President of CFA Society Beijing

随着疫情之后生产生活秩序的正常化,年轻的求职者、学生、职场更高生涯的追求者们再次开始关注自我提升的途径与阶梯。我们本期节目,请到了CFA Institute(CFA协会)的教育与考试认证部门团队,他们凭着多年从事CFA考试以及考生关注问题的经验,为我们解读备受大家关注的问题。这的确是一次难得的机会,让我们用这次节目跨越时空的限制,把三位直接从事CFA考试认证相关工作的大咖拉到大家身边,听听他们为我们解读CFA考试可以为大家提供的机会、提升与价值,听听CFA Institute有哪些新的课程内容、证书和新的发展变化,这实在是一桩幸事!金融业是一个特殊的行业,既要求有自己的专门技术,又要求能够与实践相结合,还要跟上时代的要求与发展。我们希望大家通过我们的节目,可以打开思路,开阔眼界,形成自己未来发展道路更加清晰的远景,并能够在这条道路上收获成长与成功!

With the continued normalization of people’s life and work, the pursuit of self-improvement has returned to the fore. For young jobseekers and students, it’s time to take next steps and reach higher goals in workplace. In this episode, we invited three education team leaders from CFA Institute, each of which has years of experience in CFA® Program exams, to shed light on the problems that candidates face. This is the first time that the public has been given an opportunity to hear directly from core members of CFA Institute. We’ll touch on CFA Institute value, curriculum development, exams, and many other topics in the spotlight today. Finance is a specialized industry that requires distinct skills, integration ability, and continuous development to evolve with the times. We hope that this series facilitates your efforts to broaden your horizon, shape your vision, and achieve success.


  • Chris Wiese, CFA

    CFA Institute全球董事总经理、教育与考试认证部门负责人 |

    Managing Director, Education, CFA Institute 

    Chris Wiese, CFA, CFA Institute全球董事总经理、教育与考试认证部门负责人。他所领导的团队负责开发、监督与运营CFA®证书、投资绩效管理证书(CIPM)以及ESG投资证书(Certificate in ESG Investing)等项目。

    Chris Wiese, CFA, leads a dedicated and talented team to develop current and future investment management professionals by overseeing all credentials, certificates, and other professional learning products. Previously Chris was Senior Head, Learning Experience & Assessment Development (LEAD), and oversaw the development of curriculum and exams for all CFA Institute programs and levels. Additionally, Chris spent several years leading the Curriculum and Learning Experience department, followed by two years leading Exam Development before these groups merged to form LEAD, to assure a more seamless, integrated candidate experience.  

  • David Sanders, CFA

    CFA Institute亚太区行业实践分析高级总监 | Senior Director, Practice Analysis, CFA Institute

    亚太区行业实践分析高级总监。David Sanders先生是拥有25年工作经验的投资专业人士,掌握多国语言,曾在不同地区、行业担任多种职位,包括在日本、阿联酋以及香港地区的海外工作经验。目前,Sanders领导CFA Institute的行业实践分析团队,负责识别和分析投资管理所需的关键知识,并通过课程开发以满足这些需求。在此之前,Sanders领导CFA协会课程开发团队,主要负责为CFA项目开发高质量的与从业者相关的学习内容。在加入CFA协会之前,他在阿联酋工作了14年,主要供职于阿布扎比主权财富基金相关的组织,包括曾作为首席投资官在阿布扎比投资公司工作七年。他还曾任职阿布扎比国家银行高级基金经理,以及阿布扎比投资局高级分析员。在搬到中东地区之前,Sanders在宝洁的财务部门担任多种职务,包括养老金管理(驻美国),亚洲财务(驻日本)以及预测和分析工作(驻日本)。

    David is a seasoned investment professional with over 25 years of experience across geographies, industries, and roles. Currently, David is leading the Practice Analysis team at CFA Institute and is responsible for identifying and analysing the critical knowledge, skills, and abilities required for a role in investment management and for supporting the development of curricula to meet these needs. Prior to this role, David led the curriculum development team responsible for developing high-quality practitioner-relevant learning content primarily for the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA®) Program.  Prior to joining CFA Institute in 2018, David spent over 14 years in the United Arab Emirates including various roles at Abu Dhabi based Sovereign Wealth institutions such as: Chief Investment Officer at Abu Dhabi Investment Company (ADIC), Senior Fund Manager at the National Bank of Abu Dhabi (NBAD), and Senior Analyst at the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA). 
  • Grace Yeung, CFA , FCPA (practising), CPA, CPA(CA)

    CFA Institute考试发展高级总监 | Senior Director, Exam Development, Asia Pacific, CFA Institute

    亚太区考试发展高级总监,领导CFA考试和CFA Institute其他认证产品的开发和推出,她的团队由全球150多名顾问和员工组成。Grace Yeung负责制定CFA考试的战略,推动项目以及CFA Institute的使命。她是将CFA考试从纸笔考试转变为机考的主要领导者。基于多年在亚太地区的背景和专业经验,Grace Yeung与亚太地区各CFA协会(CFA Societies)、专业标准制定机构、从业者和认证组织联系,以寻求与CFA考试相关的洞察并制定策略。Grace Yeung在金融服务和投资管理行业拥有超过20年的全球经验。在加入CFA Institute之前,她曾担任普华永道香港的审计、金融服务和资产管理高级经理。她的客户是来自传统和另类投资、对冲基金、私募股权、风险投资、房地产和基础设施领域的全球和区域的资产管理人。她领导了审计和咨询项目,包括投资基金设立、监管许可和内部控制合规。Grace Yeung在美国和加拿大拥有审计、咨询和金融服务工作经验。

    Grace plays a global role, and she leads the development and production of CFA Exams and CFA Institute’s certificates. Grace’s team consists of over 150 consultants and staff worldwide. She develops strategies and leads projects of the CFA Program, CFA Exam, certificates, and accomplishes the mission of CFA Institute. One of Grace’s key projects is transitioning the CFA Exam from paper-based to computer-based. Grace is committed to advocating for ESG and the Certificate in ESG Investing program. 

    Grace has over twenty years of global experiences in the financial services and investment management industry. Prior to joining CFA Institute, Grace held the position of Senior Manager, Assurance, Financial Services and Asset Management of PwC Hong Kong. Her clients include global and regional asset managers in traditional and alternative investment spaces, hedge funds, private equity, venture capital, real estate, and infrastructure.

录影日期: 17 May 2024  时长: 40 分钟

本期播客感谢CFA Institute中国团队的特别支持。提问内容请教了中国内地四个CFA持证人地方协会的协会领导人,包括上海协会,成都协会,深圳协会,北京协会。特别感谢CFA成都协会副理事长刘仲承先生和CFA北京协会副理事长王卫华先生对播客内容的贡献。

This special CFA Program exam “China Charter Chat” (“CCC”) episode is the joint effort of CFA Institute China Team and CFA Society Beijing. The questions asked came from society leaders at our four CFA Institute local societies in mainland of China, including CFA Society Shanghai, CFA Society Chengdu, CFA Society Shenzhen, and CFA Society Beijing. Thanks to the special contribution from Mr. Zhongcheng Liu, vice president of CFA Society Chengdu and Mr. Weihua Wang, vice president of CFA Society Beijing.


北京金融分析师协会 (CFA Society Beijing)

CFA®北京协会(CFA Society Beijing),即北京金融分析师协会,于2013年经北京市社会团体登记管理机关核准登记,是由CFA持证人发起成立的金融投资领域专业组织、非营利性社团法人,是中国大陆地区首家正式注册成立的CFA持证人地方协会。


CFA北京协会积极推动国内金融行业加深对CFA资格认证及CFA Institute倡导的国际化金融投资相关行业标准的认知,并延续了CFA Institute为金融投资行业培养更多国际化、专业化人才的使命。

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